Scholarships and Discounts


University Entrance Scholarship

· These are scholarships given to students who are placed in the quotas in the YKS Guide according to the results of the central placement exam conducted by ÖSYM. These include:

o Full Scholarship: Covers the entire tuition fee,

o 50% Discount: Covers half of the tuition fee.

· Discounts and scholarships are applied by reducing the tuition fee.

· The university entrance scholarship continues throughout the normal duration of the student's associate or bachelor's degree programs.

· Students who wish to attend mandatory preparatory classes benefit from the ÖSYM entrance scholarship and other scholarships. (The Optional Preparatory Class is opened based on demand during the registration period, and scholarships are not applicable.)

Preference Scholarships

· 1- Female students who rank in the top 500 and choose any program at our university will be awarded a full scholarship.

· 2- Students who select our university's associate and bachelor’s degree programs (excluding the Coaching Education Department) among their top five preferences will receive:

a. A 25% scholarship for those who choose the Turkish Dentistry program, and a 30% scholarship for those who choose the English Dentistry program,

b. A 25% scholarship for those who choose any department within the Faculty of Health Sciences,

c. A 25% scholarship for those who choose the Management Information Systems, Public Relations and Advertising, and Communication Design departments within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; a 20% scholarship for those who choose the Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (Turkish-English) department; and a 15% scholarship for those who choose the Psychology (Turkish-English) department,

d. A 25% scholarship for those who choose any program within the Vocational School.

A preference scholarship is awarded.

· 3- The preference scholarship is applied as a discount on the remaining tuition fee after deducting any applicable university entrance scholarship.

· 4- Students who are placed with a full scholarship are not eligible for the preference scholarship.

· 5- The preference scholarship continues throughout the normal duration of the student's associate or bachelor's degree program without any requirements for grade point average or course completion.

· 6- Students who choose our university and achieve academic success in their major program, qualifying for a Double Major (ÇAP) or Minor program, will not be charged tuition fees for the second major or minor education. Students who do not complete their Double Major program within the normal period and those who do not complete their Minor program within 4 semesters will be charged tuition fees for the remaining period.

Academic Achievement Scholarship

· 1- Academic Success Scholarship consists of cash scholarships to be awarded for 8 months in an amount to be determined by the Board of Trustees.

· 2- Academic Achievement Scholarship is calculated on a class basis, based on the success achieved in the previous year in our university programs.

· 3- Students who will receive the Academic Achievement Scholarship are required to take at least 50 ECTS credits of courses in the relevant year and to have a GPA of at least 3.75 out of 4.00 in the relevant year (academic grade point average at the end of an academic year).

· 4-The Academic Achievement Scholarship is awarded to students who fulfill the conditions listed

· 5- The Academic Achievement Scholarship is valid only for the academic year in which it is awarded. Students will continue to be eligible for the scholarship in subsequent years if they meet the above criteria within the normal duration of their studies.

· 6- The Academic Achievement Scholarship is awarded only if the student is actively continuing their studies at the university. If the student takes a temporary leave, pauses their education, cancels their enrollment, or transfers internally or externally during the academic year in which the scholarship is awarded, the scholarship will not be paid.

Athlete Scholarship

· 1- Athlete Scholarship, 100% discount scholarship is given to students who have an active license among the national athletes of our country and who settle in our university. However, the scholarship of the student who does not participate in national competitions for 1 year is canceled. If the student whose scholarship is canceled participates in the competition again during the year of study, the scholarship determined is applied in the next academic year.

· 2- During the periods when they do not participate in national competitions, they can benefit from university entrance scholarship and preference scholarship.

· 3- Students who participate in national and international competitions in individual or team sports and rank among the top three are awarded an amount to be determined by the Board of Trustees.

· 4- Students who are licensed and actively playing sports in professional league clubs in sports branches to be determined by the Board of Trustees are awarded scholarships at a rate or amount determined by the Board of Trustees.

· 5- The sports scholarship continues during the normal education period in the undergraduate programs in which the student is enrolled.

Art, Project, Competition and Representation Scholarship

Students who achieve success in national or international projects and competitions carried out within the knowledge of the relevant units of our University and whose success is accepted by the scholarship commission are awarded an amount to be determined by the Board of Trustees.

Sibling Discount Scholarship

· A 10% fee discount is also applied to each of the siblings enrolled in the paid programs or partial scholarship programs of our university for the duration of their enrollment during the normal education period.


· The sibling discount scholarship is applied as a discount on the remaining tuition fee after deducting any university entrance scholarship and preference scholarship, if any.

Scholarship to Support Relatives of Martyrs and Veterans and Veterans' Relatives

· A 100% tuition discount is applied to the spouses and children of martyrs, and a 50% tuition discount to veterans, their spouses, and children, upon presenting a martyr or veteran certificate.

· Martyr and Veteran Scholarships are awarded for the maximum period of study.

· The discount for relatives of martyrs and veterans is applied as a discount on the remaining tuition fee after deducting any university entrance scholarship and preference scholarship, if any.

Disabled Student Scholarship

1- According to the report rate of disabled students enrolled in the programs of Istanbul Galata University;

- Disability status 40% : 10%,

- Disability 50% : 15%,

- Disability 60% : 20%,

- Disability 70% : 25%,

- Disability status 80% : 30%,

- Disability status 90% and above: 35% scholarship is awarded.

2- Disabled Student scholarships are awarded for the maximum period of study.

3- The Disabled Student scholarship rate is applied as a discount on the remaining tuition fee after deducting the student's university entrance scholarship and preference scholarship, if any.

Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship

· 1- Students applying for internal or external transfers based on Centralized Placement Scores or Weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) benefit from 50% scholarship if the score is equal to the 50% scholarship base score of the University Entrance Scholarship in the score type of the program they apply for; 50% scholarship if it is equal to the 100% scholarship base score, and 50% scholarship and preference scholarship rates.

· 2- If the tuition fee of the program applied by the student who wants to transfer within the institution is lower than the tuition fee of the program he / she was previously enrolled in, the difference is not paid to the student. If the fee of the program to which the student applies is higher than the tuition fee of the previous program, the difference is paid by the student.

· 3- The Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship is valid during the normal education period, considering the period of study.

· 4- A student who transfers to another university with Central Placement or AGNO while he/she is a student at our university and returns to our university by transfer after studying at least one semester can benefit from the University Entrance Scholarship, but cannot benefit from the Preference Scholarship and (Higher Education Institutions Examination) YKS Degree Scholarship.

Benefiting from Scholarships and Loss of Scholarships

The scholarships described above are granted only if the student is actively continuing their education at our university. Scholarships will not be paid if the student takes a temporary leave, pauses their education, cancels their enrollment, or transfers internally or externally during the academic year for which the scholarship is granted.

· 1-All scholarships of students who receive a warning or suspension as a result of a disciplinary investigation, except for the University Entrance Scholarship, are permanently canceled.

· 2- Scholarship applications for newly enrolled students are made during the registration week. In order to benefit from scholarships in the following semesters, applications must be made to the relevant units during the registration/registration renewal week.

· 3- The rights of students who take a temporary leave of absence (registration freeze) during the normal education period remain reserved for the period they are on leave.

· 4- Unless the Board makes a new determination of Trustees, the scholarship amounts determined for the previous year continue to be applied in the following academic years. In addition, scholarship amounts, rates, durations and conditions may be redetermined, abolished, changed, additional practices and conditions may be introduced by the Board of Trustees for each academic year.